The Palm House is a conservatory structure on a former Vanderbilt mansion located on Long Island, east of New York City. This drawing shows where “functional” lighting needed to be located.
This drawing shows the addition of decorative lighting elements. Since an operable vent was installed at the apex of the ceiling, they were able to use the original oblong vent holes as niches for providing a band of decorative light. Additionally, four decorative 5-globe posttop fixtures were positioned at the corners. All of these elements not only provided additional ambient light in the space, but they also helped to modulate the sense of scale.
On-site mockups were required to determine the best light source and other aspects of using the original vent holes as decorative “light fixtures”.
Here is another view of the conservatory structure with all of the new lighting elements in place.
Since most of the surfaces in this “building” are glass, that means there are very few diffuse reflective surfaces off of which to bounce light. That was a particularly challenging aspect of this lighting design project. It prompted the addition of the “decorative” lighting elements which didn’t rely on “reflected” light to make an impact in the space at night.
The “functional” lighting – track fixtures located at the apex of the ceiling – can be seen in this photo. You can also see the band of light created by using the original vent holes as decorative light fixtures.
This photo shows the result of incorporating not only “functional” lighting, but also “decorative” lighting. This wouldn’t have happened if a “layered” approach wasn’t used. Architectural lighting designers are acutely aware of the need for, and benefit of, using a layered lighting approach in most spaces.
One manufacturer submitted a proposed alternate for the 5-globe posttop fixture that was originally specified. This marked-up review of their submission is almost comical. It highlights the importance of hiring an expert to help you make determinations about the suitability of any luminaires or lighting controls that will be installed in your project.
Here is the actual 5-globe posttop fixture that was originally specified!
It is essential to have experts make any final adjustments to light fixtures that can be aimed. These were recessed adjustable accent lights. Unlike wall washers, recessed adjustable accent lights can be tilted from the vertical as well as rotated around the horizontal axis. Additionally, accessories can be added – such as lenses to spread light in specific directions, wire mesh screens for softening the light, and more.
This beautiful structure is the perfect place for a Christmas celebration.
This lighting project won a 1986 award from the International Association of Lighting Designers.