
Architectural Lighting Design,
Lighting Controls Training,
Speaking and Writing,
Professional Organizations
- Lighting controls training – For the past 15 years, I’ve created and taught many hands-on classes about lighting controls. Since 2012, I’ve taught classes exclusively focused on Networked Lighting Control (NLC) and Luminaire Level Lighting Control (LLLC) systems. Read more about that here.
- Architectural lighting design – My original focus was on architectural lighting design. I completed 200 projects throughout the U.S. and internationally, working on many different project types. See the Work page for more details.
- Manufacturing – Starting in the mid-1990s, I switched gears and worked for legacy lighting manufacturers such as Edison Price, Lightolier and Holophane.
- Resident lighting expert – I moved to San Francisco in 2008 to become the resident lighting expert at the Pacific Energy Center. Then I returned to life as an independent consultant. I’ve focused on lighting and controls education ever since.
- Teaching – I’ve taught architectural lighting design and controls for 40 years – first in colleges and universities, and more recently for practicing professionals.
- Conferences – I’ve given presentations and taught classes at conferences in the U.S., such as LightFair. I’ve also given presentations on lighting around the world – for example, in China, as well as speaking at the Lux Pacifica conference in New Delhi, India.
- Writing – I have written extensively about lighting and lighting controls topics for many years. See the List of External Blog Posts page for links to many articles I’ve written.
- Professional lighting organizations – I’ve had many leadership roles in lighting organizations such as the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).
Academic Background, Teaching,
Professional Affiliations and Activities,
Public Speaking, Awards
Academic/Teaching/Public Speaking:
Parsons School of Design, New York, New York
BFA program in the Environmental Design department – studying architecture, urban design, product design, interiors and lighting
Parsons School of Design, New York, New York
Adjunct professor of lighting design
1985–1987, 1989–1991, 1998
MA in Lighting Design senior studio instructor, 2002
Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania
Guest lecturer
May 1993
New York School of Interior Design, New York, New York
Adjunct instructor of lighting design
1991–1992, 2000–2003
University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Adjunct instructor of lighting design
Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, New York
Adjunct instructor of lighting design
Pacific Energy Center, San Francisco, CA
Instructor of recurring classes on lighting and controls
“Lighting Controls – Not Rocket Science”
Seminar for Xcel Energy, Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 2022
“Avoiding NLC Deployment Pitfalls”
Webinar for IES/Honolulu section
July 2021
“Intermediate Lighting Controls Training”
Webinar for Consumers Energy, Michigan
June 2021
“Avoiding NLC Deployment Pitfalls”
Webinar for IES/Vancouver section
April 2021
“Networked Lighting Control Systems”
Webinar for Sacramento Municipal Utility District
November 2020
“Zoning, Codes, Documentation – Oh My!”
Seminar for IES/Vancouver section
November 2019
“Networked Lighting Control Systems”
Webinar for Illuminating Engineering Society North America
April 18, 2019
2nd Hawai’i Energy Innovation Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii
Seminar – “Networked Lighting Controls”
April 17, 2019
“Lighting Design Tools and Lighting Software”
Instructor of full-day class in Honolulu, Hawaii, run by IES/Honolulu section
February 2019
Inaugural Hawai’i Energy Innovation Symposium, Waikiki, Hawaii
Seminars – “How and Why DIY” and “Lighting Expert Guide”
April 2018
Washington state
Approved instructor for classes on Advanced Lighting Control Systems Training
September 2017
“Advanced Lighting Controls”
Seminar for Ameren Illinois Business Symposium, Springfield, Illinois
June 2017
“Advanced Lighting Control Systems Training”
DesignLights Consortium
Instructor of full-day class for electrical contractors (classes taught in Boise, ID; Detroit, Troy, Okemos and Grand Rapids, MI; San Francisco and Sacramento, CA; Portland, OR; Boston and Norwood, MA; New York, NY; Berlin and North Haven, CT; Everett, Tacoma and Kennewick, WA; Milwaukee, Eau Claire and Green Bay, WI). Course development and administration sponsored by DesignLights Consortium. Classes in the northwest have been sponsored by Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Idaho Power and Snohomish PUD.
LightFair International
Repeat speaker/workshop instructor – courses/workshops include photometrics, lighting software, lighting control systems
1992, 2007-2013, 2016, 2017, 2020
“Clarifying Confounding Control Confusion: The Do’s and Don’ts of Lighting Controls and Systems”
Seminar for Designers Lighting Forum/LA, Long Beach, California
February 2017
“Lighting Controls”
Seminar for National Association of Innovative Lighting Distributors, San Antonio, Texas
April 2016
Seminar presented at the NFMT HPB (National Facilities Management & Technology High Performance Buildings) conference, Ft. Worth, Texas
June 2015
“Lighting control systems”
Webinar – Trade Press Publications
June 2015
Half-day hands-on workshop for lighting control systems, IES/New York Section, New York, New York
October 2011
Department of Energy Lighting For Tomorrow (competition)
IES Illumination Awards
IES/New York Section “Lumen Awards”
IES/Northeast Region IIDA awards
Lux Pacifica, New Delhi, India
Invited speaker
September 2002
Architectural association, Chennai, India
Invited speaker
September 2002
Electrical Consultants Association, Bangalore, India
Invited speaker
September 2002
IES/New York Section
Committee chairperson
IES/New York Section
Instructor for IES ED-100 and ED-150 level classes in lamps, luminaires, and lighting calculations
“Energy Saving Lighting”
Instructor of an American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) CEU course at LightFair International, New York, New York
June 1992
American Institute of Architects (AIA) Subcommittee on Health Care
Invited speaker
Professional affiliations and activities:
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA)
National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions
Item Writer for LC (Lighting Certified) exam
IESNA/Northeast Region
Regional Vice President
American Institute of Architects
Registered Provider for lighting classes to architects and engineers
IESNA Energy Management Committee
Committee member – jointly with the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, the Energy Management Committee rewrites national energy codes (ASHRAE 90.1)
IESNA Quality of the Visual Environment Committee
IESNA Educational Materials Committee
Committee chairperson, 2002
Committee member, 2000-2002
LightFair Conference Advisory Committee
International Association of Lighting Designers
Corporate member
IESNA/Northeast Region Education Committee
IESNA/New York Section
Education committee chairperson
July 1999-June 2001
Lighting Industry Resource Council (IALD adjunct group)
Intern Program Administrator
Building Operating Management
Contributing editor
Environmental Protection Agency
Green Lights Program Surveyor Ally
Electric Power Research Institute Award
Rutgers University/Brower Commons in New Brunswick, NJ (based on energy reduction of 70% from a custom fixture)
International Association of Lighting Designers Award
Palm House in Oakdale, Long Island, NY