Lighting Education & Design
I’m Steven Mesh, LC, IESNA – a lighting designer, educator and aviator based in Honolulu. I’ve worked in the lighting industry since the 1980s. My major goal is to teach people about lighting and controls technology that can help them:
- Save energy and money, …
- Decarbonize their buildings, and …
- Provide many other benefits to building occupants.
Read about my extensive history creating content to explain Networked Lighting Control/Luminaire Level Lighting Control systems (NLC/LLLC). That includes webinars and in-person classes where attendees wire and commission NLC/LLLC systems (under my supervision).
I’ve also written extensively about these subjects for organizations such as the Lighting Controls Association. See all of my published articles on the Blog page.
To learn more about my work in educating people about NLC/LLLC lighting control systems, please contact me. To date, I’ve taught thousands of people about this great new technology – but there is much more work to do! Together, we can move toward a greener future.

Networked Lighting Controls Classes
“The programming was very cool. Very cool to see product in action.”
Student in Networked Lighting Controls class
Student in Lightfair Class for lighting calculation software